The Effect of Music on Treating Asthma

The Effect of Music on Treating Asthma

Millions of individuals throughout the world suffer from asthma, a chronic respiratory disease. Inflammation and airway narrowing are its defining features, which cause symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. Although asthma cannot be cured, numerous strategies exist to control the condition’s symptoms and enhance the quality of life. Singing exercises designed by music therapists  is one unexpected approach that has gained popularity recently. According to research, singing these exercises  helps improve asthma symptoms and lung function. Because we manage our breath when singing, the diaphragm, and intercostal muscles become stronger. This may result in better respiratory health and asthma symptoms under better control.

What is Asthma?

Your airways may narrow, swell, and create additional mucus if you have asthma. This may make breathing challenging and cause coughing, wheezing when you exhale, and shortness of breath. Asthma is a mild annoyance for some people. Others may experience a serious issue that hinders daily activities and could result in a potentially fatal asthma attack. Asthma in children might provide some particular difficulties.

Breathlessness, chest pain or tightness, and fatigue are some typical symptoms. When children have asthma, wheezing during exhalation is a typical symptom. Shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing bouts, and shortness of breath can all make it difficult to fall asleep. The risk of having asthma is increased by a number of variables. The factors include having an allergic condition, being overweight, being a smoker, exposure to occupational triggers, and many others. 

Benefits of Music Application on Asthma

  • Stress Reduction: Music has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, which can be beneficial for people with asthma. Stress and anxiety can trigger asthma symptoms or exacerbate existing ones. Listening to soothing music can help promote relaxation and alleviate stress, potentially leading to better asthma control.
  • Breathing Techniques: Guided breathing exercises are frequently found in music applications and can be used to assist people develop their deep and controlled breathing. People with asthma can benefit most from proper breathing practices since they can enhance lung function and lessen the incidence of asthma attacks.
  • Pacing during Exercise: Music can be a useful aid for those with exercise-induced asthma to pace their physical activity. They can control their breathing and prevent overexertion, which could bring on asthma symptoms when exercising, by listening to music with a suitable rhythm.
  • Distraction from Symptoms: During asthma attacks or moments of discomfort, engaging with music can provide a distraction from the physical sensations. This distraction can help individuals manage their symptoms and feel more at ease.
  • Biofeedback: Some music applications offer biofeedback mechanisms, where the music’s tempo or rhythm adapts based on the user’s physiological parameters such as heart rate or breathing rate. This can encourage users to regulate their breathing patterns, potentially leading to better asthma control.
  • Positive Emotional Impact: Positive effects of music on feelings and mood have been observed. Through the use of an app, engaging with good music can trigger the endorphin release that fosters a positive emotional state. This good energy may indirectly enhance general wellbeing, which may have an effect on asthma control.
  • Educational Content: Certain music applications might include educational content about asthma management, breathing exercises, and lifestyle tips. This can enhance the user’s understanding of their condition and provide practical strategies for staying healthy.

How to Incorporate Singing into Your Asthma Management Plan

If you have asthma and are interested in incorporating singing into your management plan, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Consult with your healthcare provider first to ensure that singing is safe for you and won’t exacerbate your symptoms.
  • Start slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you spend singing. Don’t push yourself too hard, especially if you’re just starting out.
  • Consider taking singing lessons to improve your technique and meet other people with similar interests.
  • Use singing as a relaxation technique when you’re feeling stressed or anxious. Take a few deep breaths and sing a song that you enjoy.


In addition to stress reduction, guided breathing exercises, pace control during exercise, symptoms distraction, biofeedback, positive emotional impact, educational content, adherence to treatment plans, and customization, using music applications for asthma management can provide a number of advantages. But it’s important to keep in mind that music therapy shouldn’t take the place of medical care or expert counsel. A healthcare provider’s advice is necessary for effective asthma control. While music apps can benefit asthma sufferers in this way, they should be part of a comprehensive asthma management strategy that also includes medical advice, medicine, lifestyle changes, and regular contact with medical experts.


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